Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Outcome

Amway has cleverly manipulated the various elements of its mix for its Artistry range of products that has followed the company to enjoy the benefits of economies of scale in production,packaging and promotion of its Artistry range of cosmetics while at the same time fulfilling the specific needs of its various regions.

Amway has benefited form global shade revision by ensuring that all slow moving products have been deleted and that all existing products and shades in the range are in line with current market needs and wants.Similarly, distributors have benefited and customer satisfaction in all markets has been increased.

Global promotional campaign fulfilling regional image requirements

For many global operators,one of the biggest challenges to be faced is in designing promotional and advertising material that can transcend national and cultural boundaries.Language is perhaps one of the greatest barriers,as it can render as advertisement unusable in certain countries.however, cultural and social differences, legal restrictions etc can all lead to complications in the design of global advertising and promotional material.

According to the results of market research.the type of images to which the Artistry woman is attracted depends very much on her nationality.This presented the challenge of how best to advertise and promote the brand with images that would be appealing and meaningful across a number of nationalities.

Univeral Packaging

Packaging for any product serves a number of functions.At the most basic level it serves to protect the product which it contains.At a more sophisticated level, it also acts as a communication tool conveying messages about the image of the product,the ingredients of the product and the manufacturer of the product.

Packaging for Artistry products is one element of the marketing mix that is standardised across all markets.International market research consistent in all Artistry users,across all geographic regions,is the importance of quality cosmetics and skin care.Amway has invested $2.5 million in high quality packaging which is universal and communicates one core theme-Artistry is a high quality positioned range of cosmetics.a combination of different languages ensures that this message together with product information is communicated to all target markets.

Understanding the needs and wants of the target market

Results form international marketing and research commissioned by Amway and aimed at gaining a broad-based understanding of the Artistry user,indicated the overall profile of the Artistry user was consistent across geographic regions.According to this research, the Artistry woman leads a busy lifestyle,appreciates quality cosmetics and rates skin care as being important to her.She transforms herself when wearing cosmetics and likes a natural appearance.she likes a variety of cosmetic and shades so that she can create any look she wants.Finding the marketing mix would require finding the common ground between geographic differences and preferences highlighted by the research.

Global Marketing

Global marketing involves selling products across world wide is a very challenging strategy and presents far greater risks for companies than operating in a domestic market where goods are sold in only local area.Once a firm moves into the global arena it is faced with the task of how to market its good in a number of of countries that may have differently needs and operate by entirely different rules and regulations.These differences arise from some  or all of the following factors:
  • Cultural factors-such as different languages,different social structures and different purchasing habits.
  • Technological factors and standards
  • Legal and Political factors and requirements
  • Demographics factors such as differing population size and structure
  • Climatic factors
  • competitive Factors such as unreliable data and unfamiliarity with competitors
  • Economic factors such as different currencies

Artistry Beauty Products

The Artistry range of cosmetics

Over the last twenty five years,Amway has invested millions of dollars in the development of the Artistry range of Skin Care and Cosmetics.The range comprises 3257 individual lines which are sold in over thirty countries throughout the world.

All Artistry products are the results of years of meticulous research,development and testing.The high qualtiy of the Artistry range is assured by stringent research and development, and World-class manufacturing principles.Amyway has a commitment in the industry for ongoing development of new formulae and use state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques.